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Bible Studies

Matthew, Mark and Luke
Lesson 8
Jesus Instructs His Disciples

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Reading assignment for this lesson: Matthew 9:35-38, 10:1-42, 11:1-30, Mark 13:9-13, Luke 7:18-35, 10:1-16, 10:21-22, Luke 12:2-12, 12:49-56, 14:25-33, 21:12-17

Jesus sent His disciples out to spread the gospel message. He warned them that they would face persecution, even death, for their missionary work. While in prison, John the Baptist began to have doubts about Jesus and sent his disciples to ask Jesus if he was truly the Messiah.

1. What mission did Jesus assign to His twelve apostles? (See Matthew 9:35-38, 10:1-16, 28:16-20, Luke 10:1-16.)

2. Why did Jesus tell His apostles not to go to the towns of Gentiles and Samaritans? (See Matthew 10:5, 28:16-20, Acts 1:6-8, Romans 1:14-17)

3. What did Jesus mean by "the lost sheep of Israel"? (See Matthew 10:5-6, Isaiah 53:6, Jeremiah 50:6,17, Ezekiel 34:2-6.)

4. Jesus warned the apostles they would face persecution from both government officials and religious leaders. How were they to defend themselves? (See Matthew 10:17-20, Mark 13:9-11, Luke 21:12-15.)

5. What were the apostles to do when they were persecuted in a town they visited? (See Matthew 10:23, 10:28-31.)

6. Most of Jesus' disciples thought He would return in their lifetimes (Matthew 10:23, 16:27-28, Mark 9:1, 1 Thessalonians 4:15). However, other verses (Matthew 24:14, 24:36), suggest a much later time for the Second Coming. Interpreting these verses is difficult because so much time has passed and Jesus has not returned as was expected.

What do you believe about Jesus' Second Coming?

7. a) Can you imagine what it was like to be one of Jesus' apostles?
b) What was it about these men that made them willing to leave everything behind to follow Jesus?

8. Jesus said the people of the cities that had heard His message but refused to heed it would be judged more severely than those who had not heard it. In today's world, what does that mean for people who have heard and understood the gospel message versus those who have not? (See Romans 2:12-16, 1 Timothy 4:10, Hebrews 10:26-31.)

9. What do Matthew 10:32-33 and Luke 12:8-9 mean for Christians today?

10. What hardships face followers of Jesus today?

11. What is the nature of the so-called "unpardonable sin"? (See Matthew 12:24-32, Luke 12:10, Mark 3:22-30 Hebrews 10:26.)

12. While John the Baptist was in prison, he apparently had second thoughts about Jesus.
a) Why do you think John began to wonder if Jesus really was the Messiah?
b) How did Jesus reply to those doubts? (See Matthew 11:2-6, Luke 7:18-23.)

13. How were the people Jesus preached to like children playing a game? (See Matthew 11:16-19, Luke 7:31-35.)

14. What do Matthew 11:25-27 and Luke 10:21-22 tell about understanding the gospel message?

15. What does Matthew 11:28-30 mean to you?

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