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Bible Quiz: Daniel and the Den of Lions

Select one answer for each question. Then click the SCORE button at bottom to check your answers.

1) The prophet Daniel was a teenager when he was abducted from Jerusalem and taken into captivity in Babylon. Through his great abilities, Daniel became an important administrator under several kings of Babylon, and later of Persia.

Daniel had distinguished himself as one of the most able of King Darius' administrators, and the king planned to place him in charge of his entire kingdom. Then, one group of people began plotting to have Daniel killed. Which group?

The priests

The magicians, astrologers and soothsayers

The army generals

His fellow administrators

2) As part of the plot, these men convinced the king to issue a decree. What was the decree?

Anyone who failed to bow before the king would be thrown into a den of lions.

Anyone who traveled to Jerusalem would be thrown into a den of lions.

Anyone who refused to swear allegiance to the king would be thrown into a den of lions.

Anyone who prayed to any god, except the king, would be thrown into a den of lions.

3) Those who plotted against Daniel brought evidence to the king that Daniel had violated the decree. So the king had no choice but to throw Daniel in the den of lions. What happened to Daniel?

Daniel was killed by the lions.

Angels in a chariot of fire rescued Daniel and took him to heaven.

Nothing. Daniel charmed the lions so they fell asleep, then escaped from the den.

Nothing. God sent an angel to prevent the lions from attacking Daniel.

4) What did the king do when he saw what happened?

He was in anguish that Daniel had been killed and called out for God's forgiveness.

He was furious that Daniel had survived and ordered even fiercer lions to be placed in the den.

He was furious that Daniel had escaped and ordered his guards thrown in with the lions to be killed.

He was thankful Daniel had survived and ordered everyone in his kingdom to worship the God of Daniel.