The Christian Bible Reference Site

Bible Quiz: The Baptism of Jesus

Select one answer for each question. Then click the SCORE button at bottom to check your answers.

1) Jesus was baptized at about age 30, and this baptism marked the beginning of His three years of earthly ministry. Where was Jesus baptized?

The Mediterranean Sea

The temple in Jerusalem

The River Jordan

The Dead Sea

2) Who baptized Jesus?

James the Baptist

John the Baptist

The angel Gabriel

The chief priest of the temple

3) Which of these events occurred at Jesus' baptism?

Jesus turned water into wine.

The Spirit of God descended on Jesus like a dove.

Ten lepers were healed.

The Spirit of God descended on Jesus like a tongue of fire.

4) Which of these events occurred at Jesus' baptism?

Jesus' face shone like the sun.

Jesus' clothing became dazzling white.

The earth shook and the rocks split.

A voice from heaven said, "This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased."