The Christian Bible Reference Site

Bible Quiz: Jesus' Hour

Select one answer for each question. Then click the SCORE button at bottom to check your answers.

1) The Gospel of John uses a lot of symbolic language. See if you can interpret the symbolic meaning of these verses from John:

"The hour has come for the Son of Man to be glorified. (NIV, John 12:23)

It was only one hour until Jesus would be crucified.

The time has come for Jesus to come into His full glory by dying and rising again.

The time has come for all people (the sons of men) to be glorified by God.

The time has come for Jesus' disciples to come into their full glory and power.

2) I tell you the truth, unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds. (NIV, John 12:24)

Satan must not be made a martyr, or his martyrdom will produce many more like himself.

Only by Jesus' death will his many disciples receive the power to be missionaries to the world.

The Christan martyrs will cause many more to convert to Christianity.

Our salvation and the growth of God's kingdom are possible only through Jesus' death and resurrection.

3) The man who loves his life will lose it, while the man who hates his life in this world will keep it for eternal life. (NIV, John 12:25)

Only those who hate their life on earth will earn eternal life.

Those who put their trust in the the world will perish, but those who trust in God instead will have eternal life.

Those who harbor hatred for other people will be hated for all eternity.

It is useless to try to improve the conditions in the world; we must think only of eternal life.

4) Now is the time for judgment on this world; now the prince of this world will be driven out. (NIV, John 12:31)

Satan is the ruler of the world, but Jesus' glorification will bring a new era of the kingdom of God.

Through the power of God the Roman invaders would be driven out of Jerusalem.

Jesus will leave the world for a time, but will return to judge all the world.

Jesus' glorification will remove all evil from the world.