The Christian Bible Reference Site

Bible Quiz: Flight to Egypt

Select one answer for each question. Then click the SCORE button at bottom to check your answers.

1) Shortly after the wise men visited the baby Jesus and Mary, the family left Bethlehem and made their way to Egypt. What prompted this hasty exodus?

An angel of the Lord warned Mary in a dream that Herod would try to kill Jesus.

An angel of the Lord warned Joseph in a dream that Herod would try to kill Jesus.

The wise men had warned Mary that Herod would search for Jesus and try to kill him.

An angel of the Lord told Mary that Jesus, like Moses, would be called out of Egypt.

2) Herod was furious when he found out the wise men had outwitted him by not returning to Jerusalem with news of Jesus' whereabouts. What action did he take?

He led his army to Bethlehem to search for Jesus.

He sent his army to find the wise men and bring them back to Jerusalem.

He gave orders to kill all boy babies in Bethlehem.

He sent spies to Bethlehem to search for Jesus.

3) Eventually, Joseph, Mary and Jesus returned from Egypt to Israel. Why did they decide to return?

A famine in Egypt forced them to return to Israel.

News reached Egypt that Herod had died.

An angel of the Lord appeared to Mary in a dream and told her it was safe to return to Israel.

An angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream and told him it was safe to return to Israel.

4) Where did Joseph, Mary and Jesus live when they returned from Egypt?



